

 As someone who has tried to get contractors for other areas of our business, you were responsive.  We didn’t have a large project by any stretch, but it was treated as such.  I was surprised by the time frame we were able to get it done.  Also, the work that Esoteric did was well done.  

Thank you for being better than expected.

Paul Dillard

My audio guru, you’ve been my sales man /repairman since 1985. Always there when I need you. And many others have come and gone but you are still my man!

Larry Carry

I am writing on behalf of my friend and advisor of over 40 years- Tim Stinson. He is a marvel of knowledge and construction of amazing systems.

In all this time he has never steered me wrong nor failed me with equipment and gear and advice on audio and TV viewing. He is unfailingly swift and polite and honest to a fault. I cannot recommend him highly enough. Do contact him. You will not be disappointed.

Powell Johann

My family and I have used Tim Stinson many times over the years. He’s always been prompt, thorough, a wealth of knowledge, and provides great service!

Simply put, Tim is our go-to for all things audio/visual.

I recommend Tim with the highest regard.

Russell Dillard

I’ve been a very satisfied customer of Esoteric Audio for over 20 years.  A strong trust has been developed in both the quantitative and qualitative elements of my audio interests.  Esoteric Audio has always provided great insight to current technologies and components and the factors related to getting the best sound for the money.  They also focus on my audio environment (room, treatment, etc.), listening habits, musical taste, and budget when making component and configuration suggestions.  Esoteric has also been very generous in providing in-home demonstration units  (components, cables, etc.)  to allow for system specific assessments.  Follow-up communication after purchase to ensure everything is working out well, both functionally and audibly, have also been very welcome.  I will continue working with Esoteric Audio in the foreseeable future, as they’ve never let me down and I am enjoying listening to music more than I ever have thanks to their support.

Regarding the Luminous Audio Technology brand of electronics and cables, I cannot be more pleased with the performance of all their products I’ve tried (and it’s a lot).  My recently constructed “retirement reference system” consists of the full suite of Luminous Audio Technology electronics (AXIOM III Preamplifier, ARION MK 2 Phono Preamplifier, and Archimedes Monoblock Amplifiers).  I also use Luminous Audio Technology cables throughout (speaker cables, interconnects, and power cables).  The system sounds absolutely fantastic.  The ARION MK 2 Phono Preamplifier is rated Stereophile Class A.  In addition to that, the AXIOM III Preamplifier and Archimedes Mono Amplifiers replaced components in my system that were also Stereophile Class A in their respective categories, showing quite an impressive performance improvement.  World class components at real world cost.

Dave C.

It is a pleasure to write this strong recommendation in support of Tim Stinson. He is an extremely knowledgeable and hard working high end audio source. He has done it all in high-end audio. He has procured some of the most interesting companies for sales. Cable manufacturing, equipment repair, troubleshooting and over the 25 years I have used Tim as a source for improvements of my audio equipment, a great friend. One of Tim’s best sales techniques is to let you take equipment on loan, to listen to in your space and when it is comfortable for you. 

With pleasure it is my strong recommendation of Tim Stinson and Luminous audio.

Jonas Karlsson, M.D.

I recently moved into a new house and realized my old system is just too big. I wanted more sound and less size. My best friend suggested I talk to Tim and he can help customize a system to meet my needs. Tim came over to my house and listened to what I wanted and my budget. I have been a record collector for over 50 years and CD’s for 30 years. I also wanted to stream music. I wanted everything in white to match the cabinets in the living room. I am so happy with the finished system and more importantly my wife likes it too. I have recommended Tim to several friends. I would give Tim a 10 on a 1 out of 10 scale.

Patrick Kalan

I have always been on a search for better audio sound.  

Tim’s been “my guy” for the last 20ish years of this journey.  He helped me find Sonos in 2005.  He helped me in my “home theater” phase with speakers that sounded great for music as well.  In 2007, he helped me start to build a great two channel setup on the third floor of my last house.  There have been multiple additions over the years as I kept improving that setup.  Most recently he helped me tweak everything to fit the new room when I moved houses.  

I value his knowledge and passion for great sound.  Yes, he will sell me the equipment I need, but he’ll also make sure that I’m getting the most out of what I already have.  I really appreciate his ability to open my ears to sound that I didn’t know was possible.

Jonathan S.

When I wanted to upgrade my turntable, I naturally contacted Tim Stinson and asked about a particular model. Tim responded immediately with an alternative in the same price range that would offer a better value. After discussing this further, I decided on a next-step-up that—thanks to Tim—is a quantum leap in performance. 

But why did I “naturally” contact Tim? Because I trust him and his judgment. A few years ago, I wanted to replace my existing sound system. Tim came to my house, talked with me about what I was hoping for, and made a recommendation. But—he added—”do not replace your speakers. They are terrific and I can integrate them into your new system.” Tim’s first thought was about me and my listening experience, not making a sale. 

With Tim, you will get an unbeatable combination of gear, knowledge, and integrity. What else is there?


I happen to be an admirer of Tim Stinson, the founder of Esoteric Audio

Concepts and Luminous Audio. I have known him for at least a decade and a half.

He is a talented audio guy who knows more about hifi than anybody I’ve ever

known, and, he is a person of the highest integrity, honest, caring of his customers,

always helpful, and generous with his knowledge. He has had several decades of

experience in repairing audio equipment, so he knows audio gear from the inside

out. Stuff I’ve purchased from him include two turnables, a couple of phono

cartridges, a preamp, a phono preamp, an analog drive system, various cables and

interconnects and more. I’ve never been disappointed. He sells the highest quality

audio gear at several price points. Anyone wanting to build a good two channel

audio system has an almost overwhelming array of choices. It helps to have a

knowledgeable, honest broker to assist with those choices, and I don’t know anyone

better than Tim.

He is not just an audio engineer, he is a sonic artist who lives and breathes two

channel high fidelity audio. He has a passion for perfection, and a keen ear for the

subtlest variations in tone and timbre. For Tim, two channel high fidelity audio is

not just a job, it is a way of life.

Do I endorse and recommend him? Without reservation, and with 5 stars of


Gary L. Wilbert