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Esoteric Audio Concepts

Esoteric Audio Concepts

I am resurrecting Esoteric Audio after 21 years!

One of my all time favs. THE OMR version is very, very good! See MoreSee Less
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One of my favorite Joni lp's. The sound quality is amazing even on the standard pressing! Incredible bass and dynamics! See MoreSee Less
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Believe it or not, one of my favorite and most played Pink Floyd albums. Very underrated in my opinion. My Japanese copy is awesome! See MoreSee Less
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It has been too long since I posted an album of the day. I found this at Goodwill for $2.50. It is very well recorded and the music is awesome. I recognized Leland Sklar of course. Apparently this is James Taylor's band simply recording Jazz music they like to jam to. Very cool! See MoreSee Less
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Another thrilled TORUS power customer. If you have not heard your system with a Torus conditioner, you truly have not heard your system! Our clients are welcome to take home our demo for a listen. 804-467-7900 See MoreSee Less
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